Millie Hanford
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Acrobatics, Aerobics, Ballet Dancer, Choreographer, Comedian (Stand-Up), Contemporary Dancer, Dancer, Director, Full Licence, Jazz Dancing, MC, Mezzo Soprano, Netball, Physical Theatre, Piano, Recorder, Singer, Stage Combat Training, Tap Dancing, Theatre Sports, Voice Artist, Writer, Yoga
American (standard), Australian, British, Cockney, French, German, Irish, Mid-Western, New York, Russian
Acting Experience
2022Think Tank, 'The Actors' Program'
Dir: Caroline Bell-Booth
2017Adam & Eve Show, 'Whitebait media '
2023The Hare and the Tortoise, 'Tortoise, Cheerhare and Dragon'
TAPAC Dir: Sarah Somerville
2022The Wheel
The Actors' Program Dir: Benjamin Henson
2020Lysander's Aunty, 'Hermia'
Trick of the Light, Court Theatre Dir: Hannah Smith, Dan Bain
2019Scared Scriptless, 'Court Jesters'
2019Escape From Haunted House, 'Veronica The Vampire'
Court Theatre Dir: Dain Bain
2019The Early Late Show, 'Court Jesters'
2019Hansel And Gretel, 'Gretel'
Court Theatre Dir: Dan Bain
2018A Paintbox Of Clowns, 'Blue'
Court Theatre Dir: Dan Bain
2018The Little Prince - Anthony Harper Summertime Theatre
Dir: Holly Chappell-Eason
18-21The Early Early Late Show, 'Court Jesters '
2017Robin Hood - Anthony Harper Summertime Theatre, 'Friar Tuck'
Dir: Daniel Pengelly
2017Two Girls' One Shop , 'MDMA'
Dir: Dan Bain
2017Lysistrata, 'Lysistrata'
Court Theatre Dir: Holly Chapell-Eason
17-21Scared Scriptless, 'Court Jesters'
2016The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz - Anthony Harper Summertime Theatre, 'Glinda'
Court Theatre Dir: Daniel Pengelly
2016Honk! Jr., 'Beaky'
Impact Dance and Stage School Dir: Mandy Roberts, M.D. Charlotte Taylor
14-16Coca-Cola Christmas In The Park, 'Back Up Dancer & Kids Crew'
Dir: Coca-Cola Christmas In The Park
13-16What Now, 'Various'
Dir: Impact Dance & Stage School
15-21Impact Dance and Stage School, 'Teacher: AJDA Jazz, BAL Tap'
Dir: Impact Dance & Stage School
18-20Rachael Palmer Dance School, 'Teacher: NZAMD Tap'
18-21Pitter Patter Dance School, 'Teacher '
2022The Actor's Program, 'Certificate Of Acting'
17-21Court Jesters: Improvisation
16-17Court Theatre Youth Company
04-15Impact Dance and Stage School
01-10Canterbury Ballet