Archery, Badminton, Ballroom Dancer, Boxing, Contemporary Dancer, Hip Hop Dancer, Horse Riding, Mezzo Soprano, Petanque, Pool, Rock Climbing, Stage Combat Training, Stunt Performer, Swimming, Table Tennis, Voice Artist
American (standard), Australian, Boston, French, German, Irish, Italian, Manchester, RP, Russian, Scottish, South African, Southern American, Spanish
Acting Experience
Feature Film
2020Playdurizm, 'Drew (Lead)'
The LAB Dir: Gem Deger
2019Jojo Rabbit, 'Kissing Girl'
Fox Searchlight Dir: Taika Waititi
2020Carnival Row Season 2, 'Louisa Pembroke'
Amazon/Legendary Dir: Andy Goddard
2019Carnival Row, 'Louisa Pembroke'
Amazon/Legendary Dir: Andy Goddard
2018Lore, 'Dahlia'
Amazon Prime Dir: Alice Troughton
2017The Romanoff’s, 'Tatiana Romanov'
Amazon Prime Dir: Matthew Weiner
2017Genius, 'Female Agent 1'
National Geographic Dir: Kenneth Biller
2011Campbell Live, 'School Bully'
Dir: Whena Owen
2009Sensing Murder, 'Sandra'
Ninox Films
2009Undercover: Double Lives , 'Young Karen'
Ninox Films
2017Titus Andronicus, 'Lavinia '
Dir: Prague Shakespeare Company
2015Animal Farm, 'Squealer'
Dir: Barry Mawer
2014 Second Thought Smoko, 'Ivy '
Dir: Butterfly Creek Theatre Troupe
2014Romeo and Juliet, 'Juliet Capulet (Lead)'
Dir: John Marwick
2011The Importance of Being Earnest, 'Cecily Cardew (Lead)'
Dir: Barry Mawer
2008Macbeth, 'Macduff 's Daughter'
Dir: John Marwick
2007Six Characters in Search of an Authour, 'The Girl'
Dir: Peter Baldock
Short Film
2018And Then God Laughed, 'Claire (Lead)'
Dir: Carlos Robles-Gil & Sonya Z. Dagata
2017Evaluations, 'Nicole (Lead)'
Dir: Eshaan Rajadhyaksha
2016Influence, 'Jennifer (Lead)'
Dir: Axel Henneberg
2016Goblin Market, 'Lizzie (Lead)'
Sea Star Creations Dir: Katherine Wyeth
2016The Pincers, 'Woman (Lead)'
Dir: Prajwal St.
2015Letting Go, 'Rachel (Lead)'
Dir: Kyle McKenzie
2015Swim, 'Sophie (Lead)'
Alex Johnson Films Dir: Alex Johnson
2014A Curious Comfort , 'Josephine (Lead)'
Alex Johnson Films Dir: Alex Johnson
2012A Party For Me, 'Clarissa Norman (Lead)'
Alex Johnson Films Dir: Alex Johnson
2015S*L*D Sex, Love, Death, 'Celia (Lead)'
Dir: Micah Stellar